Why, How, and When to Do Kegel Exercises For Women Over 35?
Kegel exercises are vital for women over 35 due to several reasons:
1. Preventing Pelvic Issues: Kegels strengthen pelvic floor muscles, reducing the risk of incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and other related issues.
2. Enhancing Quality of Life: Regular Kegel exercises positively impact women's quality of life, especially addressing concerns related to stress and mixed urinary incontinence.
3. Improving Sexual Well-being: Kegels can enhance sexual health by improving pelvic muscle tone, potentially leading to increased sexual satisfaction.
How to Perform Kegel Exercises:
1. Identify the Muscles: Locate the muscles by stopping the flow of urine midstream, which involves the pelvic floor muscles.
2. Isolate and Contract: Squeeze the pelvic muscles and hold for a few seconds, ensuring you don't tighten the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks.
3. Release and Repeat: Relax the muscles and repeat the contraction-release cycle 10-15 times per session.
When to Do Kegel Exercises:
1. Frequency: Clinical studies recommend performing Kegel exercises with adequate intensity and frequency for optimal results.
2. Personalized Routine: Tailor the frequency and duration based on personal comfort and health needs.