Why Women Are Losing Interest In Sex After A Year?
There can be several reasons why women may lose interest in sex after being in a relationship for a year or more. According to a study, women who have been in a relationship for 1 to 5 years are 45% more likely to lose interest in sex than those who have been in a relationship for less than a year.
One common cause for a decreased interest in sex is ongoing issues in the relationship, such as lack of connection with one's partner, unresolved conflicts or fights, poor communication of sexual needs and preferences, and trust issues. Additionally, physical causes such as certain illnesses, physical changes, and medications can also contribute to a low sex drive.
Other factors that may contribute to a loss of sexual desire and drive in women include partner performance problems, lack of emotional satisfaction with the relationship, sexual trauma, having sex without consent, and poor mental and physical health.
In some cases, women may have a condition called hypo-active sexual desire disorder, which is an ongoing and bothersome lack of interest in or desire for sex for no known reason.
It is also worth noting that lack of a partner or the partner's lack of interest in sex can be a main self-reported reason for why women are not sexually active. Additionally, sometimes losing interest in sex with a spouse can be a symptom of losing interest in the relationship overall.
In summary, there are many potential reasons why women may lose interest in sex after being in a relationship for a year or more, including ongoing relationship issues, physical causes, partner performance problems, sexual trauma, and various other factors. It is important to discuss any concerns about sexual desire and drive with a healthcare provider or a qualified therapist to determine the underlying cause and find appropriate treatment options.