5 Main Tips To Have Strong Pelvic Floor of Alex Miller
To have a strong pelvic floor according to Alex Miller's Pelvic Floor Strong System, consider these 5 main tips:
- Learn Proper Techniques: Follow step-by-step guides and exercise techniques provided by Alex Miller to ensure you're performing the exercises correctly.
- Incorporate Kegel Exercises: Engage in Kegel exercises to strengthen loose pelvic floor muscles, improving bladder and bowel control.
- Set Realistic Goals: Understand that visible results may take time; consistency and patience are key to achieving a strong pelvic floor.
- Focus on Core Engagement: Learn how to engage abdominals and strengthen the core to promote a flattened belly while strengthening the pelvic floor.
- Follow the Program: Follow the Pelvic Floor Strong program that includes movements, stretches, breathing exercises, and guidance provided by Alex Miller to strengthen pelvic floor muscles.