Female Vitality Blueprint Bonus
Female Vitality Blueprint Main Manual + Video
This is the quick-start manual of Female Vitality Blueprint. It is short, concise, and easy to understand.It teaches you how to optimize your pelvic performance and improve your sexual experiences. The video in Female Vitality Blueprint contains a demonstrative tool to help you easily understand everything that the program tries to teach you.With these materials in the program, you will understand the proper breathing exercises that can improve your posture and support your vaginal muscles.
How to Have a Vaginal Orgasm Manual
According to Alex Miller, Female Vitality Blueprint aims to help women get through female orgasm dysfunction and this manual is the key.It contains step-by-step instructions on how you can achieve an orgasm during sex. The techniques taught are advanced yet anyone can follow them.It teaches you how to contract your vaginal muscles to enjoy amazing pleasure.
Libido Breathing Manual and Audio Tracks
This is one of the bonus manuals in Female Vitality Blueprint. It teaches proper libido breathing techniques and their benefits.There are also audio tracks as a bonus which can help you stay in the mood and get closer to reaching orgasms while having sex.
This is another gift that is inclusive when purchasing Female Vitality Blueprint. This is a pre-made chart where you can track your conditions before and after the following the program. You can see your data and compare your results.
The third gift inclusive in the program, 3-Stretch to Pain-Free life helps you solve your back and body pains easily.