A leaky bladder and unwanted weight gain after giving birth?
If you’ve ever faced moments when you experience uncontrolled leaks from the downside, it could be signs of a weak pelvic floor. The experience is a complete degradation to human dignity and can be extremely humiliating, especially if this happens in public places.
Studies reveal that up to 24% of American women struggle with pelvic floor dysfunction, indicating just how prevalent the condition is. If you’re part of this sad statistic and have been seeing several doctors and trying dozens of medications without success, we’re about to share with you some of the most exciting news. A program by the name Pelvic Floor Strong is designed to help you overcome incontinence, activity limitation, and discomfort without using conventional drugs. Interested to learn more about how it does this? Please scroll down to find out more about the program.
Pelvic Floor Strong Review
In a few words, this program was created to help women struggling with pelvic floor disorder. Whether you’re battling urinary incontinence, overactive bladder, fecal incontinence, or any other form of pelvic floor disorder, this program can help to restore your dignity in just a few steps.
Having been developed by a health and fitness expert, you can already imagine that Pelvic Floor Strong is all about movements – no drugs involved. But what you’ll learn here are not the regular exercises you perform at the gym. They are unique, yet simple movements meant to strengthen your pelvic floor, reduce and stop incontinence, and enable you beat Diastasis Recti.
But what’s Diastasis Recti?
This condition mostly affects pregnant women where the belly bulges out due to the enlarged belly muscles. It’s blamed for causing back pain during pregnancy due to the imbalance and reduced hip stability which it causes. It can also lead to increased labor pain during delivery due to weakened push muscles and urinary incontinence.Unfortunately, Diastasis Recti continues to wreak havoc even after pregnancy and may persist for decades if not checked. Luckily, the Pelvic Floor Strong program is here to help you overcome your condition in a short time.
About the Author
Alex Miller is the ingenious brain behind this life-changing Pelvic Floor Strong program. She’s a fitness instructor and women’s health specialist based in Vancouver, Canada. She also has a TRX certification, meaning she has expertise in prenatal and postnatal fitness, weight fitness, meditation, and physical movement training. Learn everything you need to know about strengthening the pelvic floor muscles from a celebrated physiotherapist with years of experience under her belt!
How does this program work?
Coughing, laughing, sneezing, or jumping doesn’t have to be a trap that once triggered sets your pelvic muscles loose. If you usually experience uncontrollable urinary leakage when you perform any of these activities, the Pelvic Floor Strong program will show you surefire ways to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. What’s more, the program will play a key role in speeding up your postpartum recovery, improving bladder and bowel control, and reducing the risk of vaginal prolapse. And the good news is, you don’t need any equipment or a whole day to perform the movements illustrated here. As long as you consistently implement what the program teaches, you’ll rebuild the strength of your pelvic muscles steadily. What that means is you will no longer worry about back pains, no more abrupt leaks, while you’ll enjoy sex more.
What you’ll learn inside this program
In a nutshell, you’ll learn various pelvic floor exercises, ways of engaging abdominal muscles, strengthening the core, boosting your metabolism, and cutting the extra pounds. Without further ado, let’s get to the details.
• Kegel exercises
Otherwise known as pelvic floor muscle exercises, Kegels are arguably the most effective way to improve the bladder and enhance bowel control. The practice helps to strengthen this group of key muscles and consequently prevents bladder leaks.
How do Kegel exercises work?
How the body works is the pelvic floor muscles relax to allow the passage of urine through the urethra. Conversely, they also contract to stop the urinary floor and direct the urine back to the bladder.
So when your muscles are weakened, your body is unable to perform effective control, and this is where kegel exercises come in handy. In the Pelvic Floor Strong program, you will find a step-by-step guide on how to rebuild the muscles responsible for urine control.
• Engaging abdominal muscles and strengthening the core
Abdominal muscles and a strong core play a crucial part in keeping the pelvic floor at the right posture, without any unnecessary pressure. But not just that; these muscles coordinate the fitness and movement of the whole body.
For instance, the core, which is a layer of muscles covering the stomach, back, butt, and hips, supports the spine and pelvis. This program will teach you ways to strengthen your core and abdominal muscles without hurting yourself (especially after childbirth).
After a short period of engaging the abs and strengthening the core, the following will be the rewards for your commitment:
- Reduced menstrual pain
- Back pains will go away
- Unprecedented leaks will stop
- You’ll be less susceptible to injuries
- Flattened belly and a slimmer waist
- You’ll be able to stand long without any discomfort
• Boosting metabolism
Do you have a friend or family member that seems to have an unending appetite for any type of food? If so, you might recommend this program to them. Improving your metabolism can help to shed off extra pounds, thus preventing further health complications like diabetes or obesity.
If you’re wondering why no matter how hard you work out at the gym, you still don’t see any improvements, then it’s time to change your approach. This program shares a proven strategy to boost your metabolism, burn calories, and consequently cut off extra pounds.
• The 3-step movement sequence
Without the pelvic floor, we wouldn’t even move, let alone maintaining a straight posture. The pelvic floor muscles are overly essential to our daily operations, and it’s only fair that we take good care of them.
It is for that reason that the creator of this program came up with the 3-step movement sequence. These are simple movements meant to boost the pelvic floor health by revamping core stability, preventing urinary leaks, and stopping vaginal prolapse/heaviness.
The best part? The exercises are so simple to complete that they won’t interfere with your routine. Even if you’re an office worker, you can set aside a few minutes and perform the three simple steps hassle-free.