Bladder Control and Pelvic Health: Key Exercises for Women Over 55
For women over 55, strengthening the pelvic floor muscles can greatly improve bladder control, reduce leakage, and support overall pelvic health.
Kegel Exercises: Tighten and hold the pelvic floor muscles for a count of 10, then release for 10 seconds. Repeat this 10 times, multiple times a day for best results.
Quick Squeezes: Perform rapid contractions of the pelvic muscles, holding for only a second, then relaxing for a second. Repeat up to 30 times to improve quick muscle response.
Bridge Exercise: Lying on your back, lift your hips while squeezing your pelvic muscles. This exercise strengthens both the glutes and pelvic floor.
Squats: Stand with feet hip-width apart and slowly squat down, engaging the pelvic floor. This works lower body muscles and supports bladder control.
Heel Slides: Lie on your back with one leg bent. Slide one heel down while keeping the pelvic floor muscles engaged, alternating legs. This gentle exercise helps maintain pelvic stability.