Contents of 6 Part Video Masterclass in Back Pain Breakthrough Program by Dr. Steve
Dr. Steve’s 6-Part Video Masterclass Teaching The Targeted Spinal Release Method.
Part 1: Exactly how to use Targeted Spinal Release
Completed with detailed and step-by-step instructions. You’ll learn how to perform each movement, what time of day you should use the movements and how long you should hold each movement for… All clearly explained so you have ZERO GUESSWORK.
Part 2: You’ll get a live demonstration of Targeted Spinal Release as Dr. Steve brought in Marie from his team and coaches her through the method live on camera. It’s like having Dr. Steve there with you, walking you through every step of the journey.
Part 3: You’ll discover ONE simple movement you can use every morning to realign your spine and instantly stop back pain. This will become a key part of your morning routine in no time.
Part 4: You’ll discover one easy tweak to make to your office chair… Which will keep your back as strong as an ox at work. This is the best way to prevent your pain flaring up while you’re sitting over your computer (and the best part is no one will even notice you’re doing it!)
Part 5: You’ll discover the Back-Pain Extinguisher
An additional technique you can use any time pain comes back. Which will relieve the pressure on your spinal nerve and provide INSTANT pain-relief.
And finally, you’ll discover the Sciatica Soother
A simple 30-second movement which provides long-lasting relief from sciatic pain. If you’re suffering from sciatica, this movement will soon become your best friend.