The Story Behind Back Pain Breakthrough
It was developed by Dr. Steve Young, a spinal surgeon and author. Dr. Amy Palmer, one of Dr. Young’s patients, tells her tale to promote the program online.
The “unbearable, terrible back pain” that Amy had been experiencing since 1995 was finally getting her the treatment she needed.
Doctors offered Amy terrible advise when she went to them about her back problems. For Amy, traditional medical expertise had failed to alleviate her back pain, so she swore at her doctor and vowed to never go back.
“Excuse me, Amy Palmer here. And in the upcoming moments, you can expect… A few years ago, I had a terrifying experience that I’m going to tell you about now. When I swore at my doctor… Telling him to “Go *beep* yourself,” I ran out of the room, sobbing, and yelling at him to stop. It makes me regret ever having set foot in that man’s office.
Amy couldn’t exercise because of her back pain, and as a result, she put on weight. For her back pain, she experimented with a wide range of treatments, including medication, stretching, massage therapy, cortisone injections and more. There was no success. Amy’s discomfort only increased.
Amy was convinced that she was doomed to a lifetime of back pain. Amy’s doctor told her she needed immediate spinal surgery, which made things even more difficult for her. Amy’s back was in such bad shape that the discs were on the verge of breaking, slicing her spinal cord in half, and paralyzing her from the waist down.
Dr. Steve Young helped Amy find a long-term solution to her back discomfort six months ago. “…my life has taken a dramatic turn in the last six months. In a bizarre turn of events. Instant relaxation came from a simple, yet powerful, exercise I learned. And in just three weeks, I was free of low back pain and sciatica.”
Amy met Dr. Steve Young, a Philadelphia back pain specialist. Amy’s back pain was alleviated by Dr. Young’s suggestion of alternative therapy. Her back discomfort was gone for good after just a few weeks of treatment.