Why Am I Leaking Urine All Of A Sudden? What Causes Female Urinary Incontinence?
- Pregnancy and Delivery: The stress on pelvic floor muscles during pregnancy and childbirth can contribute to urinary incontinence.
- Aging: The natural aging process can weaken pelvic floor muscles, leading to incontinence.
- Obesity: Excess weight can strain pelvic muscles and contribute to urinary leakage.
- Pelvic Organ Prolapse: When pelvic organs descend into the vaginal canal, it can result in incontinence.
- Detrusor Muscle Issues: Problems with the detrusor muscles in the bladder walls can cause urgent and frequent urination.
- Activities and Exercise: Leakage during activities like coughing, laughing, sneezing, and exercising is common, indicating stress urinary incontinence.